Understanding and Applying Linear Regression Techniques in SPSS Statistics

483 students

Understanding and Applying Linear Regression Techniques in SPSS Statistics online training course

In this 90 minute training session, you will learn how to make sense of and build linear regression models within SPSS Statistics and how to apply these models against new data to generate estimates and predictions. During the session you will learn:-

  • How to illustrate linear relationships with correlations and scatterplots
  • The regression equation
  • Building a Linear Regression model
  • Interpreting Linear Regression output
  • Dealing with problems such as collinearity
  • Applying a linear regression model to new data

You’ll get a training pack including all the example data files and session outputs so that you can continue to study in your own time. You’ll also have access to a recording of the training course which you can watch again as many times as you like.

“Well presented, grounded in practical use, well described terminology”

Lawrence Monk, Forecasting Team Leader, Transport for Greater Manchester

“The course was excellent, to the point and not too technical, exactly what i’ve been looking for for a while.”

Course attendee

Who should buy this training course?

  • Students and academics who need to use regression in their research
  • Researchers and analysts who looking for relationships between variables
  • Business analysts and strategists making operational decisions based on data from within the organisation who want to ensure they’re making the right decisions
  • Anyone who is using SPSS Statistics and wants to understand how to perform regression analysis in the software

Part number TRClinearreg90


A veteran of the predictive analytics industry working under the auspices of SAS, IBM and SPSS, Jarlath is pre-sales director at Smart Vision Europe. He is one of the most experienced SPSS trainers in the industry.
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