Data driven marketing

This free educational webinar focuses on the value of predictive and advanced analytics in database marketing. You will learn how you can apply predictive analytics to both your outbound and inbound marketing campaigns in order to reduce your costs and increase your response and conversion rates.

We will show you practical examples of how prediction-driven marketing campaigns are developed from scratch. We will cover every stage, from setting up the campaign to integrating predictive analytics with operational systems and reporting platforms to enable effective evaluation, execution and monitoring.

The event will be particularly relevant for you if you are new to predictive analytics or are already doing some basic analytics but want to move beyond using simple business rules or RFM selections towards more sophisticated approaches such as propensity modelling, behaviour segmentation and next-best offers.

During just one hour you will learn:

  • How you can use IBM SPSS predictive analytics software to prepare and model your marketing data
  • About practical examples of how other organisations like yours have used predictive analytics to enhance their marketing campaigns
  • How best to address the challenges and opportunities of outbound (proactive) marketing analytics versus inbound (realtime) decision making
  • How to use cluster analysis to drive more sophisticated segmentation strategies
  • How to automatically generate next-best offers to maximise response and revenue from your customers
  • Practical advice on how to get started with the data you already have
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