
Web-based training sessions


Book your training now

Click here to place an order for your training. You’ll have the option of paying immediately by credit card or you can opt for a direct bank transfer or cheque payment. We will send you an invoice once your order is confirmed.

Simply select the number of hours you would like from the dropdown menu. Please note that there is a minimum order of 2 hours but after that you can select as many hours as you like. If you’d like to talk to us first to decide how many hours you need please call our training team on 0207 786 3568 or email [email protected].

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If you’re not sure where to start and would like some training on how to get started with SPSS, or to help get your particular project set up correctly then we can assist.

You can book online, tailored training with our expert consultants by the hour. You can book as much or as little training time as you need.

There’s a minimum training time of two hours for the first order but after that it’s entirely up to you – you can order additional time in increments of one hour. You can take all your training hours in one block or you can spread them over the duration of your project, calling them in half hour slots. You can arrange this directly with the consulting team that you’re working with.

Your training will be web-based, interactive, delivered by an SPSS specialist and completely personalised and tailored to your particular requirements. It will be delivered ‘on the job’ – there’s no need waste any time out of the office.


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