Introducing survival analysis
This video looks at the key concepts that underpin survival analysis such as time-to-event data, censored cases and the different survival analysis procedures available in IBM SPSS Statistics.
These videos introduce survival analysis – a family of statistical procedures where the outcome variable of interest is time until an event occurs. Survival analysis is a powerful analytical approach that is often employed in medical applications where researchers are interested in modelling the effects of different treatments or conditions upon patient survival time.
This video looks at the key concepts that underpin survival analysis such as time-to-event data, censored cases and the different survival analysis procedures available in IBM SPSS Statistics.
This video explores the Life Tables procedure and introduces many of the key concepts of survival analysis such as cumulative survival, hazard rates and survival curves
This video looks at the non-parametric Kaplan Meier procedure including tests of equality of survival distributions and the difference between survival and hazard functions.
This video introduces the Cox Regression method and explains the proportional hazards model. Shows how to interpret the output from Cox Regression using a simple model with a single predictor.
This video shows how to create a more complex Cox Regression model. Also introduces the Cox Regression with Time Dependent Covariates procedure.