
Background to SPSS and PS IMAGO

PS Imago Pro is a result of the mature and long established IBM SPSS Partner Ecosystem. IBM encourages its partners to use their skills and expertise to develop additional functions and features that further enhance the core SPSS product that IBM offers, without diluting any of the existing functionality of that core product.

man sitting while writing on notebook

How can a data scientist access training in 2021? 3 trends things to look out for…

How can a data scientist access training in 2021? 3 trends things to look out for… I have been involved in the delivery and implementation of data science software applications, data science projects and solutions that have advanced and predictive analytics at their core, in one form or another, for almost 30 years. Of course, …

How can a data scientist access training in 2021? 3 trends things to look out for… Read More »

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