Books and guides

Customer Analytics for Dummies eBook

Download your free copy of our Customer Analytics for Dummies eBook. It will help you with understanding customer analytics, acquiring and segmenting valuable customers, recognising customer lifetime value, enhancing customer loyalty and retention, extracting value out of social media.

Machine learning for dummies

In this book, you will discover types of machine learning techniques, models, and algorithms that can help achieve results for your company. This information helps both business and technical leaders learn how to apply machine learning to anticipate and predict the future.

The insider’s guide to predictive analytics

Predictive analytics projects fail all the time. In this book, Jarlath Quinn draws on his experiences and those of his colleagues to explore precisely what drives success or failure in predictive analytics projects. When it works, why does it work and what can be done to manage the risk of failure?

Download your free copy of our Understanding Significance Testing white paper
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