Lorna Walker

a close up of a rack of computer equipment

Model building for optimisation: improving efficiency and profitability – on demand webinar

In this 60 minute on demand webinar our two presenters, both veterans of advanced analytics, modelling and optimisation, provide an overview of optimisation theory and the different types of optimisation that can be deployed to solve complex business problems, providing sample use cases for each approach. You will see examples of models for optimisation of cost and time parameters based on real life examples.

Model building for optimisation: improving efficiency and profitability – on demand webinar Read More »

Data driven marketing

This free educational webinar focuses on the value of predictive and advanced analytics in database marketing. You will learn how you can apply predictive analytics to both your outbound and inbound marketing campaigns in order to reduce your costs and increase your response and conversion rates.

Data driven marketing Read More »

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