Where to go for help, support and advice on SPSS products
In my last blog I wrote about why you’re always going to be better off buying SPSS from an IBM […]
Where to go for help, support and advice on SPSS products Read More »
In my last blog I wrote about why you’re always going to be better off buying SPSS from an IBM […]
Where to go for help, support and advice on SPSS products Read More »
If you want to buy SPSS and you know that it’s developed by IBM then you might think (not unreasonably!)
When budgets and time are both limited it can be hard to justify investing in training, particularly training for things you’re already using. However, investing time and money in exchange for the right training generally pays for itself (both financially and in terms of time saved) through attendees gaining additional skills which allow for more efficient and accurate work.
When budgets and time are tight it’s the ideal time to invest in training Read More »
NHS Trusts (and their predecessors) have always been some of the most loyal and regular users of IBM SPSS Statistics
With v29 of IBM SPSS Statistics just released, should you consider an upgrade if you are running an unsupported version
Here is an interesting confession. I work for an analytics company but I would really rather not think about or
I work for an analytics company, but I don’t want to talk about analytics Read More »