Get a month’s SPSS subscription from just £82.24 per month

If you’ve got a short term or temporary need for SPSS, or just want to dip a toe in the water and see if it is right for you, then a monthly pay as you go subscription is the best option. From just £82.24 per month (with no on going commitment) you get all the power of SPSS Base with the option of extending the functionality with other modules should you wish.

Ideal for short term projects

Short term project work – If your organisation provides analytical and data science services as part of some projects but not others, it is not always practical or economically optimal to maintain an ongoing license and support contract for SPSS. 

Scale up and down quickly

Just pay for what you need – When project demand scales up flexible licensing means you can quickly scale up software licenses to meet that demand. As and when that demand alters again, SPSS license provision can adapt accordingly. You only ever pay for what you need.

No ongoing commitment

Pay as you go – An SPSS subscription is a great way to introduce SPSS and data science into your organisation, without having to convince budget holders to make a more significant investment. 

Why buy from Smart Vision Europe?

Smart Vision Europe is a Gold level IBM partner and authorised SPSS reseller. Our team has decades of experience working with clients using SPSS on a vast range of different projects and applications. We offer practical, objective advice and guidance supported with expert resources, professional services and technology provision, all with a focus on advanced and predictive analytics.

What our clients say about us

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