The hows and whys of survey research

This white paper discusses survey research by breaking it up into a seven step process — and clearly detailing how you maximize your efforts every step of the way. At each stage, it also shows how IBM SPSS predictive analytics technology can improve your results and make the entire survey research process easier and more effective. The examples provided are commercially oriented, but also apply to the public sector.


  • Executive summary
  • Why survey research is important
  • What exactly is survey research?
  • The seven stages of survey research
  • Getting started
    1. Planning and survey design
    2. Data collection
    3. Data access
    4. Data preparation and management
    5. Data analysis
    6. Reporting
    7. Deployment
  • The role IBM SPSS technology plays in survey research
  • IBM SPSS technology improves the survey research process at every stage
  • About IBM SPSS survey research products
  • About IBM Business Analytics
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