Customising SPSS procedures

There are many ways to create customised routines and procedures in SPSS Statistics. Creating custom procedures can dramatically increase your productivity in SPSS and the good news is you don’t need to be an expert user or know how to ‘code’ in order achieve this. In this webinar Jarlath Quinn shows how users can:

  • Create a custom ‘hot button’ to automatically remove unwanted results from the output viewer.
  • Get to grips with the Custom Dialog Builder to create new versions of commonly-used procedures with your own default settings
  • Create a custom dialog that allows you to quickly switch between different table formats and output styles
  • Develop a dialog that combines different standard routines to create a truly customised procedure

Who should view this webinar?

  • Anyone who wants to learn more about SPSS procedures

Watch a recording of this webinar or download the event slides here.

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